no caption

Posted by rixals ismail 0 Nak Nyampuk

I hate being so sensitive.I hate being able to detect the slightest change in the way people message me,talk to me,or look at me.I hate overthinking about it for the whole night.I can feel someone is slowly losing interest in me. Overthinking because we love someone because we afraid of changes ,we afraid of losing what we had. I hate to start it over again. If our attitude that matters where is the promises " i love the way you are" if tired and bored let us know don't keep as a secret.

Cheese Cake

Posted by rixals ismail 0 Nak Nyampuk

Hari ini aku rajin. so aku buat kek cheese. Senang je aku blend cheese dgn biskut cheese dgn susu dan garam. masuk dlm freezer. sekian. t aku amik gambo yg dah siap. malas nak pegi freezer amik gambo. ohh ni biskut yg aku pake..

Makanan Kampung

Posted by rixals ismail 1 Nak Nyampuk

Suak tak makan kampung style..meh aku tunjuk makanan kampung...
wadeh dan ubi goreng
tepung bungkus
bubur mee sanggul
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